Did you know Shamin Mannan has 9 tattoos?


Actor Shamin Mannan is passionate about getting inked and has quite a few tattoos to prove this. The actor has a total of 9 tattoos on her body! Yes, you read that right. “I have two on the back of my neck, one on my wrist, one on my finger, two on each side of my lower abdomen, one on my lower back, one on my left upper back, one on my ankle. Since I am an actor so I get the tattoos mostly on hidden places on my body so that I can cover up in shoots,” she says.

How did she land up as 9 being the lucky number, you ask? “I didn’t at once plan to have tattoos, it happened gradually. I got my first tattoo done around 6 years back in Mumbai, it’s a lovely orangish heart with stars. Tattoos are a kind of an addiction for me, I love getting inked I get high on tattoos! I am a creative person, so I get all these quirky tattoo ideas and that’s why I love creating them permanently on me. They are like memories of my life phases,” she says.

Needless to say, she has a few favourite ones too. “My most favourite tattoos are my two abdomen tattoos; one is a dandelion wish flower, and one is a lotus with a semicolon. Both of them have deep meanings and are my favourites. The dandelion signifies positivity and fulfilling of wishes. It’s a kind of a lucky charm for me which I believe will fulfil all my wishes. And the lotus with a semicolon signifies peace and that whatever happens life isn’t over!” she says.

Having 9 tattoos is quite shocking for her friends and family too. “My friends are like, ‘Oh my god!’, every time I get a new one and are quite blown by my tattoo collection. The family is cool, though initially, my parents were like what’s the point? but now they have given up on,” she says.
