In the grand finale of the survival show, which aired on July 4, five contestants were chosen based on viewer vote rankings, and two more earned their places in the upcoming girl group as "producers' picks."
Eight, which was released on May 6, 2020, shot to the top of the major domestic music charts right away and ended up ranking fifth on the 2020 year-end charts.
This achievement is a major turning point in RM's solo career since it shows how talented and influential he is outside of the global K-Pop sensation BTS.
When it comes to commemorating their debut anniversary, this year is no different from previous years even though every member of BTS is presently serving in the military.
This album demonstrates his unique musical taste and inventiveness, further establishing him as a multifaceted artist who can still perform professionally.
The group's plans to contribute the appearance fees they would collect from the University Festival were revealed in a statement, released by ADOR on May 25.
A song achieves a Perfect All-Kill, or PAK, in the nation's music scene when it tops both the weekly and real-time sections of the music rank aggregator iChart.