The Vodka Diaries: Kay Kay Menon acting becomes the plus point of an average Bollywood thriller!

Ashwini Dixit, the assistant commissioner of the police was investigating the case of series of murders and the person behind it when his life took a turn and his wife goes missing as well.
With the Movie Vodka Diaries, the director Kushal Srivastava has set foot in the Bollywood industry. Like most of the suspense thrillers, the movie begins. Set in Shimla’s cool climate, the bodies starts piling up one by one in the hotel named Vodka Diaries. Kay Kay Menon in the role of the cop is appointed for the case to solve but the twist comes when his wife disappears (Mandira Bedi). He gets a call from an unknown lady who told her to connect the clues left behind by the murderer to solve the mystery that will eventually lead him to his wife.
The suspense stories in Bollywood industry must have two qualities. The first one is that, the story must keep the audience onto the edge of their seats and secondly the audience must be invested in the process of cracking the case. . But Vodka Diaries has failed in both the departments. The background Music in the movie reminds you of the old Hindi Thrillers which were intended to make you jump from your skin. Moreover the movie starts with a murder mystery with the most crucial twist in the tale that is not completely unpredictable.
Kay Kay Menon’s acting is the plus point for the movie that is on the hot trail of the murderer. He has a romantic character by heart and does best with whatever he had. But even a sound actor like him could not save the movie which is derailed by its poor execution. Mandira Bedi, the poetess and Raima Sen too do not have much scope in the movie. Sharib Hashmi as a cop’s side kick once more does not have a crucial role to play . There is a lack of Dialogue writing in the movie too. When seen overall you can give a try to a mystery which is much predictable for you