3 easy yoga poses that will relieve the stress in your mind 


Nowadays, individuals are stressed due to their busy lifestyles. This is why mental health issues are becoming more common. If you suffer from stress, yoga can be beneficial. Many yoga poses help to relieve the human mind. If these yoga poses are practised in the morning, they can help a person stay mentally fit throughout the day.


If you’ve tried yoga before, you’re familiar with the downward-facing dog pose. This pose is often used for good reason. It extends your spine and strengthens your arms, shoulders and legs while increasing blood flow to your brain. By increasing circulation to this area, we can get more energy and mental clarity, allowing us to deal with difficulties that bring us stress or anxiety.

Salamba Sarvangasana

Another great yoga pose for reducing anxiety and depression is the shoulder stand. Shoulder stands improve blood flow to the brain, which improves mental clarity and mental balance. It’s crucial to remember that this pose should not be performed if you have high blood pressure, shoulder or neck issues, or if you are menstruation.


Bhujangasana is regarded as one of the best yoga poses. It strengthens the spine like iron and is also useful for extending the chest, shoulder, and abdomen muscles. The most important factor is that doing Bhujangasana properly relieves tension and fatigue.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice.
